CEO William “Butch” Hays is the operative CEO of SNAP Programs (Special Needs Accommodation Programs) since its founding in 2012. Based in Lake Macquarie, SNAP Programs, a not-for-profit organisation has become a vital and essential service in the local and greater communities, offering a wide range of programs and assistance to individuals and organisations in the disability sector across diverse age groups. For more about SNAP Programs, visit History Previously Butch acted as the State Manager in leaving care for the renowned Lifestyle Solutions, ensuring the swift but delicate transition from in-care, to independent living for individuals. A process which can be incredibly difficult, but also fundamentally important because it provides confidence and support in progressing to independent living. During his time with Life Without Barriers, he was the Primary Director for Promotions and Fundraising, helping establish the necessary relations between the business and the community, while assuring the company’s growth and its industry security. See More
Community Services
He was also the acting CEO of Great Mates, a specialised individual disability support provider which prioritises building life skills, learning and employment opportunities, and helping to provide living options to those in dire situations.
Butch Hays is currently available for Coaching & Speaking Engagements